Life insurance is simply a contract between an insurer and an insured, where the insurer in exchange for a premium paid by the insured, will upon death of the insured pay a lump sum payment (death benefit) to the beneficiaries nominated by the insured.
When you are young and single, life insurance might not be on your priority list of insurance covers you wish to consider. However, as you start to mature and you have a family, it becomes an important product seriously worth considering.
What happens to your family if you die or become terminally ill? Will there be enough funds for your partner and children to be able to maintain a lifestyle you would want for them? will they be able to pay the mortgage on the house? pay the credit card debt, attend the private school or receive the additional tuition your children may require? these are some of the reasons one should seriously consider life insurance.
A number of factors are considered by life insurers before they provide you with cover, among these are your age, your health, whether you are a smoker, your weight and gender. These factors will affect whether they will accept your application for cover and the premium you pay.
How can we add value as your Insurance Broker?
We are not licenced to sell you life insurance products. However, we have a number of organisations who are professional and qualified to provide you advice. They understand the importance of ensuring specific attention and detail is given to all customers we refer.
They will take into consideration through fact finders your current status, your current debt, your future intentions and work with you to ensure those you love most are adequately covered.
If you are considering life cover and would like a premium indication, you can obtain a live quote by clicking on”Free Life Insurance Quote” on our home page, our partners “Steadfast Life” can provide immediate pricing.
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