Franchise Insurance
The franchising Australia 2010 survey estimated the franchise industry contributes $128 billion to the Australian economy.
This is a very important segment of the economy and it is our speciality market.
We have worked for over 15 years with franchisors, franchisees and industry experts to better understand the market and develop adequate and well planned insurance and risk management programs for businesses.
Our current clientele range from the small independent owner, medium and large national franchise networks.
Franchisor Insurance
Franchisors have many responsibilities in managing their business. Some franchisors wish to be heavily involved with the insurance and risk management program for their franchisee network, whilst others wish to take a less proactive approach and merely ensure each franchisee has current adequate level of insurance to meet their compliance.
Irrespective, we work to identify the exposures the franchisor and the network faces whether from a public liability perspective, OH & S legislation, staff liability issues, shopping centre/Landlords requirements such as certificates of currency or the public in general. We put in place a workable solution where insurance is an important component of the risk management process.
We help to ensure a uniformed liability programme for franchisees, a business insurance cover with minimum safety levels built into it to protect franchisees and a national work cover co-ordinator for claims management.
We can offer Franchisors and their network:
Tailor made insurance programmes for:
⊗ Property insurance
⊗ Liability insurance
⊗ Home and Contents
⊗ Management Liability including Directors and Officers Liability
⊗ Corporate Travel
⊗ Cyber Risk insurance
⊗ Health insurance
⊗ Group Life and Key Man cover for Franchisees
⊗ Motor fleet and Work cover
Competitive pricing
As a member of Australia’s largest insurance broker network generating in excess of $4.3 billion in insurance sales, we are in a position to ensure our clients receive very competitive pricing across a range of insurance and risk management services.
Local Insurers
We deal with Australian insurers with a national presence. We do not risk your business dealing with unauthorized foreign insurers.
Quick documentation
We can provide internet based automated documentation suitable to the franchisee network such as urgent certificates of currency for shopping center management and landlords.
We ensure there is a central point. One team responsible to provide the support needed to ensure the smooth running of insurance and risk management.
Franchisees Insurance
When we discuss insurance with franchisees, they constantly mention 4 areas that affect their decision to buy insurance.
Business owners constantly look to reduce their business costs. We understand the importance of this. We have been successful in maintaining competitively priced insurance products for over 15 years. We use our market share to ensure our clients benefit both in terms of product and price.
The same message from franchisees is clear “we need you most when we have a claim”.We understand this and work harder to ensure you have the support required and the representation necessary for a smooth outcome.
Trust is an important part of the equation. Without Trust there is no relationship.We built our business on Trust. Many franchisees choose to use us as their preferred partner for business insurance, Franchisees such as Lenard’s poultry, Just Cuts, Wendy’s ice cream, Michelle’s Patisserie, Boost Juice, Gloria Jean Cafes, Subway, Tele Choice, Go Vita, AFL stores have used our services for many years.
The product we arrange for our franchisees must be able to meet their needs. We work hard to ensure this is achieved via tailor made products. Where we cannot meet the requirements required we explain why and give options where possible.